Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Philog #6

Personal Philosophy of Education
     I believe that the true goal of education is the realization of one’s potential, that one’s personal human potential is the full expression of authentic self in relation to truth in community, and that realizing one’s personal potential depends on a reliable foundation of accurate self-knowledge.  Education is not a group of classes containing a series of facts to be used on a test and then forgotten. Education is a series of tools that students use every day in the classroom and in the real world. The English language is the primary language of the United States and people use it to communicate throughout the world. Yet, many students have difficulty using the language properly. As an educator, I would like to make a difference and help students write better and use proper grammar and punctuation. All students are capable of learning and learning about language does not mean students simply learn a series of rules. Using the language is the key to understanding it.
      I believe that a teacher knows which style of teaching to utilize depending on which class s/he is teaching.  It is an inherent intuition possessed by all good teachers.  Whether it is strictly demonstrator, facilitator, or delegator, or even a combination of all or some, the teacher modifies herself/himself to suit the needs of the students.  The modification has become the purpose of the teacher in a classroom.  This modification helps to ensure that students have a better learning experience in the classroom.  A teacher’s job is not only to educate the students, but to also have students feel that joy that comes from learning and being innovative; “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge,” stated by Albert Einstein.             In order for students to feel comfortable volunteering their ideas, especially for difficult concepts, I want to promote a warm, safe learning environment.  Whenever a student provides an answer, no other student should be allowed to be disrespectful.  In doing so, it would discourage further answering in the future.  The classroom will only tolerate respect from teacher to student, student to teacher, and student to student.  Regardless of the student’s religion, race, or sexual orientation, every answer should be valuable and appreciated. 
      I anticipate my personal philosophy of education will take on different frames over time, but
regardless, it will guide my career as an educator. In order to act upon my beliefs and put them into action, I will carry out the following:

1. Teach in a manner that espouses the purpose of education is to enhance personal growth among students, to facilitate self-actualization, and to give learners practical knowledge and problem-solving

2. Follow principles which include allowing the learners’ experiences into the classroom and use
those experiences to enhance their learning process.

3. Allow students to take an active role in learning by being involved in planning learning

4. Support the learning process by partnering in the teaching-learning exchange.

5. Promote critical thinking through experiential, cooperative, and collaborative learning.

6. Work to promote freedom and autonomy in the adult learning process, as well as individuality,
authenticity and personal meaning making.

7. Engage in interpersonal communication with students, openness and teaching-learning

8. Practice active listening and active inquiry that supports the students and their learning process.

9. Encourage students to be pro-active, open their minds to the world, and work for social change.
10. Practice teaching with humility.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Philog @5

When we were discussing privilege in class the sheet that was handed to us was not new to me. I had reviewed and had a class discussion on it some years ago.  Growing up in a white middle class home and community I never thought about what was a privilege.  I lived my life blindly.  After years of being on my own and a single parent of two, I learned the value of education. I found I didn’t have a good enough education that would pay well enough to support me and two kids.  Since I see the value of an education I want my students to understand how important it is. They can achieve anything if they set their minds to it. I want to be there to support and encourage students to go for their dreams. My favorite saying has always been:  Keep Smiling and Reaching for Your Dreams!!!   I want to teach the special education students, they are the most misunderstood student in middle school.  I find that they have been called stupid and so many other names that they have low self-esteem.   I want to be there to support them and show that they can be something.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Philog #4

I have submitted answers to the core value questions in my first semester here at CNM. After reviewing them I have found that my thoughts an ideas have changed. Who am I as an educator? I know scared as my students are on the first day of school in a new class. But confident that we will learn new things and explore new worlds.Our minds are the future the past and present. I want my students to feel the life and desire of learning. To be able to do this I must always search for new ways to learn that will inspire my students. we as educators must show our students by example. If we have high standards for them then we need to present ourselves at that level to,  We need to embrace all cultures perspectives and blend them in the classroom.
I grew up in a small military town. The only way out was through education or joining the military.  School was fun most of the time. It never occurred not to go to school but we didn't talk about college. Most girls got married right out of school and started families.  Special needs students didnt attend our public schools. family was from the south so interracial marriages was forbiden and so was friendships. Learning other cultutres were never mentioned or encouraged. Everyone had to conform to what was thought to be right. I found learning new ideas and cultures was not taboo as an adult and I embraced the knowledge of learning. I want all my students to feel the way I do about reading and learning, even though I know that the percentage is low. i will go out there and support my students and try.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Philog #3

When asked “all students were provided with an equal educational opportunity”, what it means to me is:  All students have the ability to go to school and learn the same information that is provided to his or her age group.  The students are given the same opportunity to learn and more forward. Now it comes down with what the students does with this is another matter. If he chooses not to learn then it’s on the student.  It goes back to the old saying “you can lead a horse to water but you ca not make it drink” I want my students to learn if nothing else but how to manage in this world.  They need to be able to read and write, they also need to at least know basic math.  I want my students to go on to college with confidence and pride but we have to be realistic. Not all students will go forward in that manner but I want to try and be the support and inspiration.
My methods will be what work with the student.  Every student learns differently, and I will find what style works for each of my students and have a variety of way to present the materials. I want my students to be creative and know they are safe with their thoughts and expressions. I will create a safe environment, with student decided rules with my guidelines to. There will be a point system or token economy. The methods I will be using ha been proven in the successful BIP programs in Albuquerque. Working with special education every student is a separate case. I can not and will not list the students the same. I will see each student individually and find what they need to feel complete in the classroom and what it will take to engage them. I cannot predict what I will do completely as I have to get to know my student to find their strength and weakness along with their interests and likes.

Friday, June 3, 2011

#2 Education in our society

When I look at educatioat n for our society I see it lacking in what our children need. There are so many budget cuts and we are expected to perform miracles with nothing. If we want our children to have a chance in life to move ahead and be something we need to invest in them. We need to put more money into education and spend less on the other programs. If our country spent half the money in improving our own people that they spend on other countries our children would meet those test expectations and there would be less children  and hungry. Tax the wealthy more and the poor less.  In teaching the pay is low and the politics are high. I love all the children I work with not just the good. I see potential in eveyone of them even the special needs. I want to be the teacher that the student remembers when they graduate college. Every student has the ability to be great and succeed. As an educator its my job to help show them what they can achieve and be the role model.  I dont see the difference in cultures as a problem but as anoppertunity to move ahead. I as an educator will do whatever it will take to help my students. I will work in the gray area of whats acceptable if it helps my students. They are what is important, not  what some person who has never been in a classroom thinks.  Maybe Iam a lot like Esme in the book Educating Esme.