Sunday, July 24, 2011

Phlog 9

Above is a blog site that I found that is a wealth of information. You can pick grade levels and subjects of different levels of teachers from across the country. Most of the teachers have not posted any personal philosophy but they discuss their classroom.  I will be using this blog site as there are veteran teachers and new teachers. The discussions are relevant to the classroom and curriculum for everyday teaching. This form of blog is a great collaboration for teachers. You get ideas and find resources from others that are in different areas of the country. I hope to use both forms of research when it comes to my classroom. With this site and the vast coverage of subjects and grades this is the best working site. I actually joined the blog site (since its free).


  1. This looks like a great site for information on a variety of teaching tools; I'm going to add it to the blogs I found. Very cool that it covers all grade levels and spans the country. Did you find anything that was specific to the grade level you are interested in? Are there any discussions on issues such as diversity, problems related to poverty, etc.? I noticed they had an area to "chat" which is a great feature. Would this be something that you would use regularly when teaching? I love the ideas, but noticed with a few blogs that I visited that it took me a ton of time to navigate the blogs if they weren't laid out well...not sure I'd have the time to do that if I was teaching full time. What do you think?

  2. Cool blog, I didn't have time to navigate it much. Did you find anything you'd want to implement into your classroom? Did you find any interesting philosophies?
