Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reflecting on my persoanl educational experiences

When asked to look at my own educational experience i find that they cover a large are of knowledge. In high school I just wanted to get threw, so I took easy classes and did what I had to do to get a passing grade. After a few years waiting tables and low pay jobs I wanted a business degree, so i got an associate in business. I didnt get a job inthat so I became astudent in phlebotomy. Worked for a while finding no advancement so i moved on to Criminal Justice and got a Bachelors. Again the job market or maybe how I looked at was what I expected. I started working as an Educational Assistant and found I loved working with the special ed students in middle school I started my masters in teaching and learning with Technology and then enrolled at CNM in the ATL program. I finished my first master and have moved on to my secon masters in eduation with Speciasl Education. I feel that Iam a professional student but I dont feel that you can ever lesrn to much. Learning and growing from the education I have recieved and will continue to recieve makes me feel like I have grown and more to share. My goal is to work with the special needs population as so many times people do not have the patience for them.